Shanton Plus fabric (Shanton two yarns)

This fabric is branded Shanton Plus or Shanton Two Threads Available in Iranian markets. Shanton Plus fabric is similar to Shanton fabric, with the difference that the softness and softness is more in Shanton Plus fabric (two-thread Shanton). Shanton Plus fabric (Shanton two yarns) also has more black effects in appearance than Shanton fabric. For use in spring and summer.

Introducing the features of Shanton Plus fabric (Shanton two yarns)

Shanton Plus fabric (Shanton two yarns) has many features and properties. We will now introduce and review some of these important features of this fabric. Shanton Plus fabric (Shanton two yarns) has a good comfort and coolness, which has this feature that makes it a good fabric for sewing manto in summer. This feature has caused the popularity and purchase of Shanton Plus fabric in many manto manufacturers. Is. 

The main reasons for buying Shanton Plus fabric (Shanton two yarns)

Shanton Plus fabric (Shanton two yarns) due to the reasonable price and variety of colors of this product, including fabrics suitable for sewing Sport coats  Is for production. Shanton and Shanton Plus fabrics are also used in applications other than sewing clothes and coats. Furniture fabric، Bedding fabric، Tablecloth، Cushion fabric، Curtain fabric And… can be considered as other uses of Shanton and Shanton Plus fabric (Shanton two yarns).

Other important points and features of Shanton Plus fabric (Shanton two yarns) are no lumps on the surface of the fabric and also no need for ironing after washing and also the good durability of this fabric. Now we will introduce the most important features of this fabric:

1- No lumps of fabric

۲- دوام خوب و بدون آب رفت در شست و شوی زیاد

3- No need for ironing after washing the fabric

4- Suitable for all seasons

5- Good softness and softness of the fabric

6- Color stability and role of fabric

7- Reasonable price of Shanton Plus fabric 

8- Being light and comfortable

No need for ironing after washing the fabric

One of the most important concerns and problems of the fabric producers and consumers community No bullets And the so-called Flossing of the fabric surface This problem is one of the important factors in determining the quality and quality of the fabric.

Good durability and high washing resistance 

Another problem of fabric consumers is that the fabric gets wet during washing a lot. Shanton Plus fabric (Shanton two yarns) has good durability and resistance. And it goes without water during excessive washing

Washing method: Rinse with water at 45 ° C and iron at normal temperature.

No need for ironing after washing

Shanton Plus fabric (Shanton two yarns) is one of the few fabrics that does not need to be ironed after washing. The constant wrinkling and so-called disfigurement of clothes is one of the problems that we all struggle with on a daily basis. Shanton Plus fabric (Shanton two yarns) has the feature of not needing to be ironed after washing clothes.

Shanton Plus fabric (Shanton two yarns) suitable for all seasons

Shanton Plus fabric (double thread yarn) is a fabric suitable for all seasons. This fabric with its unique features, has become a popular fabric and suitable for all seasons. However, this fabric is mostly used in spring (Eid) and summer.

More softness and softness than Shanton fabric

At the beginning of the introduction of Shanton Plus fabric (Shanton two yarns), we dealt well with the issue of the differences between Shanton and Shanton Plus fabric. One of the most prominent features is the softer softness of this fabric than Shanton fabric. Which has made this fabric more popular.

Color stability and role of fabric

One of the indicators for recognizing the quality and quality of a fabric is the color stability and role of the fabric after continuous use and washing. Shanton Plus fabric (double thread yarn) has the characteristics of color stability and the role of the fabric. This feature is one of the most important factors in the popularity of this fabric.

Shanton Plus fabric price (Shanton two yarns)

Determining the price of fabric is related to many factors. The quality of the fabric can be considered as one of the most important factors, but the design and color of the fabric is not ineffective in determining its price. Shanton Plus fabric has a reasonable price in the market due to its unique features.

How to buy Shanton Plus fabric cheaply?

You can buy this fabric much cheaper by buying Shanton Plus fabric (Shanton two yarns) from Mahnam textile industry. Because by buying the fabric directly from the factory, the final price of the fabric is more appropriate than the market. Contact our experts to buy Shanton Plus fabric in bulk.

The distinguishing feature of Shanton Plus fabric is Mahnam Textile Industries

All products of Mahnam Textile Industries, including fabrics Tergal and kajrah tergal Persia fabric، Sableh fabric, Fastoni-like fabric and… as well as Shanton Plus fabric are of high quality. Because quality has been our most important goal and mission for a long time.

Contact our experts to send the quality of the dye and also if necessary to send the fabric slate to test and ensure the quality of the product.

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